Jumlah Fans

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Soal Bahasa Inggris (Text 1)

In early societies money was unknown and man relied on a simple system of exchange. Perhaps a good hunter had more animal skins than he could use. His neighbor, a good fisherman might have too many fish, but needed furs to protect his children from the cold. Both soon realized that to solve their problems they could exchange their surplus.
This method of exchanging is called 'barter'. The word comes from the French barater.
Barter was important when the needs were mostly for clothing, food, and shelter. but the system had its problems. For example, a weaver who wanted to change his cloth for a good catch of fish might not be able to find a fisherman who needed cloth. And a farmer with too much corn might not be able to find a hunter with too many deer. When labor and services became more specialized, barter no longer could function of 'payment'. A new system had to be found.

1.People bartered because .............
A. they like a simple system
B. they realized their problems
C. they had a surplus and they needed something
D. they had money to fulfill their needs
E. they did not want to pay cash

2.Paragraph 3 is about ....................
A. the fisherman who needed cloth
B. the society that became more specialized
C. the weaver who wanted to exchange his cloth
D. the problems of the bartering 'system'
E. an example of barter

3.'Both' soon realized that to solve their problems they could ...... ( par 1)
Both refers to ...................
A. the hunter and the fisherman
B. the hunter and his fish
C. the neighbor and the animal skin
D. the fish and the fur
E. the neighbor and the hunter

4.Barter was important until .......... (Par 3 )
A. the fisherman had enough cloth
B. the hunter had enough fish
C. the society become more specialized
D. the farmer had not enough corn
E. the weaver started to grow corn himself

5.An antonym of 'to protect' is ................
A. to satisfy
B. to abolish
C. to develop
D. to educate
E. to neglect

6.Who wanted to exchange his corn?
A. a trader
B. a neighbor
C. a farmer
D. a good hunter
E. a good fisherman

7.Barter was a means of exchange when the primary needs of man were clothing, food and shelter only. But the system had many ......................
A. gaps
B. numbers
C. problems
D. advantages
E. satisfaction

Marhaban ya ramadhan.. :)

kami, segenap warga pixel ,


selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa,

semoga puasa kita diterima oleh Allah SWT

dan dosa dosa kita yang terlampau banyak diampuni,..

serta kami mohon maaf kepada semua makhluk yang pernah kami sakiti..


selamat berpuasa di bulan yang penuh berkah ini :)

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

PAKB (Penerimaan Adik Kelas Baru)

Gak terasa udah setahun PIXEL barengan. Waktunya beradik, HORE!

"Woeeee, REK! Udah ada pengumumannya adek kelas aksel, di BK, Rek, di BK!!!!", teriak salah satu teman kita. Jelas aja, yang di dalem kelas langsung grudukan ke ruang BK.

Langkah demi langkah kita korbankan demi melihat wajah-wajah adik baru kita, terharu rasanya mau ketemuan sama generasi penerus kita.

Sampailah kita di BK.

Wajah kami tersenyum, namun..


Ke-cegek-an kami pun mulai merasuk dalam darah. Kami hanya bisa menelan ludah. Terharu, bener-bener TERHARU.

Kami menatap nama mereka satu-satu. Ya, hanya NAMA. Nama adik baru kita yang terpampang di BK.

Saat itu, yang ada di pikiran kita, cuma "Yah, mungkin belum waktunya ketemu. Sudah, sudah".

Kami balik ke kelas.

Wajah sedih kami berubah seketika pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2010.

Di bekas kelas aksel dulu, di lantai atas....
Beberapa dari kami -banyak sih- pada penasaran sama adik-adik kelas yang baru.
Mereka mungkin lagi diberi pengarahan gitu, soalnya setahun yang lalu kita juga ngerasain hal yang sama.
Kebanyakan sih cowok. Ya, begitulah kira-kira suasana di atas.

Di kelas aksel bawah, kelas baru kita...
"Haduh, takut aku, jamnya Pak DMJ, bahaya bahaya!!!", kata salah satu teman.
Beberapa yang lain mengangguk setuju.
Baru aja mau SMS, udah keliatan deh Pak DMJ dari jendela. Beliau melongok ke pintu, "Mana lainnya?". Langsung saja Dewanti, teman kita yang lucu, kabur ke atas buat manggil temen-temen yang lain. Dan gak lama, mereka pun balik ke kelas, dengan gerudukan tentu aja.

Adik-adik baru kita kebanyakan kaum Adam.
Emang baru generasi kita yang kebanyakan cewek, pantesan rame. HAHAHA.
Bagus, berarti gak salah kalo kita menyebut aksel generasi kita paling feminin.

Sekian dulu ya tentang PAKB-nya.
Semoga menikmati.